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How to invite tenants individually or in batch

This article is linked how does a tenant accept the invite and personalise your account **where you will find how to edit your tenant invitation email

Before inviting a user your automated events must be enabled. Go to settings>automated events

Inviting tenants can only occur if the tenancy is a minimum approved



The invite will take them to the correct app but in the case of your contractor ignoring the invite and trying to download an app, access will be denied.

This looks at the numerous opportunities to invite tenants

  1. Individually at the point of creating the tenancy ** Note a tenant as part of a prospective tenancy cannot be invited 
  2. Tenancy status change
  3. Individually within the tenancy
  4. Bulk invites if you’re new to Arthur and have put on lots of tenancies

1. Individually at the point of entering the Tenant

Go to Tenancies>Add Tenancies



2. Tenancy status change

Go to Tenancies>Click on the tenant you would like to update>Click on update status ** Note a Tenant as part of a prospective tenancy cannot be invited 

Or click straight onto “Update Status” here:



3. Individually within the tenancy

Go to Tenancies>Open/View a Tenant>Tenants>Drop Down> Invite or Resend invite


4. Batch invites 

Go to Tenancies>Batch Invite Tenants :

** If your tenants do not have emails then they will not appear on the list. Arthur will batch up 80 at a time. So if you have more than 80 go back and send the next lot of tenancies.

You can also filter tenancies by Property and Status.


What if my tenant did not receive the invitation?

Check the following article troubleshoot messaging


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