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How to serve a notice, mailmerge it and be notified of expiration

A notice is a special type of document that has an expiry date and where it is important that as a property manager you are notified. A notice is served at tenancy level and will be seen by the tenant under their notice tab

This article looks at

  1. Creating a notice in Arthur and uploading a completed notice from outside Arthur
  2. Creating a notice in Arthur and then mailmerging a notice from within Arthur
  3. Where to view an expiring notice
  4. Build automation for expiring notices

1. Creating a notice in Arthur and uploading a completed notice from outside Arthur

Step 1: Serve a notice

Go to Tenancies>Serve a Notice




Step 2

Enter the details and press Save: Upload a completed notice and email tenant or serve then create a mailmerge



If you want to send off for signature go to tenancy>documents and create a digital signature




2. Creating a notice in Arthur and then mailmerging a notice from within Arthur

This is linked to:

understanding mailmerge

Adding variables to your template

Once your notice has been added go to mailmerge





On the next page ensure you have created custom fields for section 8 and section 21 notices and complete the appropriate ones



The next page will allow you to create and send for signature or share with the tenant and leave unsigned



Once created the notice will be found in tenancy>documents





3. Where to view expiring notices


Notice index page


4. Notifications/Email reminders/automated Tasks

This section is linked to understanding automated events, and where to find expiring notices. Go to Settings>Your Account>Automated Events>Notices

Arthur is set up to create tasks and send you emails when the certificate is due to expire:

  • Notice Added
  • Notice Expired Today
  • Notice Expires in 30 Days
  • Notice Expires in 7 Day


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