finance-background-image-1024x715 Accounts


Reconciliation and compiling accounts on property financial matters gets much easier, simpler, and quicker.



Replace lots of admin and spreadsheets into one software that’s effortlessly recording all financial details.

Add value to clients

Add Value To Clients

Add value to your clients by recommending a software that simplifies their business systems and admin.



Gain full transparency over all property related financial and operational matters in one simple system.



Reporting on financial matters in real time becomes quick and easy meaning the margin for human error is vastly reduced.



The integration with Xero enables you to build a network of interconnected apps (eg. GoCardless)

How Arthur helps with property management financials

Tracks rent payments easily by unit

Provides one place to reconcile all payments received

Sets up recurring rent charges

Tracks and records deposit payments and refunds

Automates late rent demands

Tracks rent payments easily by unit

Provides one place to reconcile all payments received

Sets up recurring rent charges

Tracks and records deposit payments and refunds

Automates late rent demands


Offer your clients subscriptions to Arthur as part of a service agreement to enable them to boost the efficiency of their day to day portfolio management.

Offer additional training, education or information about financial and other property management matters in partnership with Arthur.

Attract new property owner and property business clients as part of a trusted adviser network advertised for Arthur users.