Landlords FSO – a new way to record and upload your fire safety information
Arthur takes a look at fire safety in the UK and looks in particular at a system called Landlords FSO. It has a simple mission- to support landlords in their compliance to the legislative requirements of fire safety as it applies to houses in Multiple Occupation (HMOs) and blocks of flats.
This 24/7 accessible online dashboard allows you to record and upload all of your fire safety information as required by the Regulatory Reform Order 2005, most commonly known as the Fire Safety Order ( FSO), Fire Safety (Scotland) Regulations 2006, Fire Safety Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2010 and the Management of Houses in Multiple Occupation Regulations 2006.
The law requires the responsible person to provide an effective means of escape for all tenants and ensure effective precautions such as fire alarms, emergency lighting, fire blankets etc, as well as associated safety such as gas and electrics.
How it works?
Create an account, enter each property address, register users and then you are ready to start your periodical recording! Easy as that.
There needs to be a shift from managing a hard copy fire log book and keeping these together with certificates in a file, to an online dashboard. Moving to modern technology and having access to online dashboards offers additional benefits, firstly allowing multiple people to access files and avoiding previous issues of damage and loss associated with hard copies. When multiple properties are in existence, paperwork can become a handful which makes storing records online an even more attractive proposal.
This system is one of a kind in the UK and provides peace of mind in the way it reminds account holders when any inspection/test is due thereby keeping them fully compliant.
If you are a landlord or letting agent and aren’t 100% comfortable with the requirements under UK fire legislation or would like a software to help manage this- visit or email questions to
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