Sadiq Khan calls for a social housing commissioner

Arthur Online

By Arthur Online

01 September 2017

Following the Grenfell disaster, the Mayor of London has called for an independent social housing commissioner to be instated.

Many of us can feel like our voice and opinion is not heard by society. Imagine, then, what it must feel like to believe your opinion does not matter when it comes to your own home. For many social housing residents, this is a reality. The Grenfell Tower disaster has highlighted much of what is wrong with the social housing sector. One of these is that the people making the decisions on what should or should not happen have no experience living in social housing; therefore they have no idea the problems that are faced on a daily basis. Sadiq Khan has now called on change to be made. The Mayor of London has called on Theresa May to instate a social housing commissioner to represent the millions of people that live in social housing throughout the United Kingdom.

The independent commissioner would be at the centre of the decision-making process for anything that affected social housing, giving a completely different perspective on the policies.

This call comes after a public enquiry was agreed upon to investigate the Grenfell tragedy. It also comes a few months before the Homelessness Reduction Act comes into force. This act, which ensures every vulnerable person gets the best chance of obtaining social housing, will increase the amount of individuals that are living in social housing. With the level of homelessness increasing again in 2016, there must be some sort of change to the system to try and improve it.

The social housing commissioner would provide a pivotal middle-man between Westminster and a community of millions.


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Arthur Online

By Arthur Online

01 September 2017


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