Tenants want to be allowed more personalisation
Arthur investigates the growing trend in private rental tenants opting to do their own DIY at their own expense and its flaws and benefits.
Entering in to the rental market, as a tenant, can be scary. You are living in someone else’s house and there are rules about what you can and cannot do in terms of personalisation. To add to the stress, Landlords often have different rules about what is acceptable to them. Some may allow you to repaint a wall, others may have a problem with you adding an extra nail to hang a painting on. It seems, though, that those who allow less personalisation may be missing a money saving trick!
Research by Plentific shows that 73% of tenants surveyed have carried out DIY jobs at their own expense. 23% if those surveyed had spent over £500 of their own money on doing DIY jobs. Immediately, it can be seen that by allowing tenants to put their own personal stamp on the property, within reason, a Landlord may in fact be able to save considerable money.
The wish to personalise rental properties is reflective of the new trend in longer-term tenants. As the property market becomes more and more unaffordable for most people, many are accepting the fact that they will be renting for a long period of time. Therefore they expect a higher quality of living, hence personalisation. If a Landlord allows this to occur, it is probable that they will experience a lower turnover in tenants and again save themselves money.
However, when broaching the subject with tenants it is important to ensure lines in the sand are drawn. Primarily, any work that may affect the price of the property should not be allowed (unless it increases it). Secondly, any work that may be difficult to reverse, a very vibrant paint job for example, must not be allowed to occur. Thirdly, ensure it is clear that any work they may wish to do must still go through the Landlord to ensure that it is okay.
Whilst there must be some rules in place, there is a high ceiling and very few downsides to tenants undertaking the work themselves.