Why the Growing Demand for Tradesmen isn’t Satisfying Customers

Arthur Online

By Arthur Online

11 July 2014

With the UK housing market going from strength to strength, there has been a strong increase in demand for electricians, decorators, builders and other tradesmen.

However, the growing need for tradesmen doesn’t mean that UK homeowners are happy with the service they are receiving. According to the annual Home Owner Survey, there are a variety of issues that we keep experiencing with our contractors.

So, what are the main issues?

Firstly, waiting around for contractors to get back to us with a quote is one of the issues frustrating us the most. 71% of homeowners surveyed said that they are more likely to choose a particular tradesman upon presentation of a professional-looking quote. Failure to present this causes us to look elsewhere and, more importantly, tradesmen miss out on work.

Furthermore, less than 20% of us felt satisfied with the service we had received from our tradesmen. Whether this was the standard of the job completed, or the communication with the contractor, more than 80% of us were left unhappy.

Benjamin Dyer, from Powered Now, said, ‘ “Home owners’ expectations are higher than ever before. While there is a current boom in work for the field trade sector, it’s never been so competitive. The results of the survey confirm our view that tradesmen who use technology intelligently have the opportunity to not only save time, but make more money too.”

So, where does Arthur come in?

Arthur’s property management software can relieve these issues for both the contractor and the homeowner. Arthur allows property managers to call upon a trusted network of tradesmen, meaning that reliable tradesmen will receive more work.

What’s more, the customer will be hiring a contractor with their eyes wide open, knowing they will be satisfied with the job.

If you are a contractor, tradesman or woman that wants more work. Arthur can help you. Register today and get your first six months for free!

Arthur Online

By Arthur Online

11 July 2014


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